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Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: There's no such thing as a "homewrecker"
« Last post by Hope on January 01, 2017, 03:10:36 PM »

In my opinion, if there is a homewrecker it would be the MM.

I also think that even if the marriage is good, the W good, the kids good, the job good, friends good, finances good and so on, there are just some men and woman that cheat. It has nothing to do with outside circumstances or the OW/OM and everything to do with inside circumstances. There is also some men and woman who pursue people who are already in relationships usually because of their fear of intimacy and abandonment.

There are men at my job who I could approach naked and try to seduce and they wouldn't cheat. In the case of the MM I was with, I could have been a cardboard cutout and he'd been with me. I was there, and willing---The end.

It is easier for the BS to blame something "out there" instead of evaluating herself or the man she married. I do empathize with BS because we woman put up with a lot of shit when it comes to love.
Articles & Recommended Reading / There's no such thing as a "homewrecker"
« Last post by Hidden on December 31, 2016, 01:02:41 PM »
Previously posted ...

There's no Such Thing as a Home-wrecker

"There is no such thing as a home-wrecker simply because if a third party can enter the relationship bubble, then your relationship was weak to start off with. There is no such thing as a home-wrecker because if it was all based on another person ‘tempting’ our partner, or entering our partner’s proximity with bad intentions, then no relationship would ever work out, and we might as well never have an intimate relationship, and they would never be worth it, and we could all remain single."

Updating to include text as link is now outdated.

There’s no Such Thing as a Home-Wrecker

It always disappoints yet amazes me the number of women and men who blame and hate on “the other woman” or “the other man”. Yes, affairs and cheating are heart-breaking, and for most couples, it’s the kiss of death.

It makes me cringe when I hear of the wife or girlfriend screaming at the other woman, blaming her, and asking how could she/he do this!? Don’t they have any respect? What normal person with morals would tempt a husband or wife?

Though I understand the pain of being cheated on (I’ve been through it myself), and I can understand that in those moments of vulnerability and pain, that we want to lash out at the “other woman”, it’s actually got nothing to do with the other woman.

There is no such thing as a home-wrecker simply because if a third party can enter the relationship bubble, then your relationship was weak to start off with. There is no such thing as a home-wrecker because if it was all based on another person ‘tempting’ our partner, or entering our partner’s proximity with bad intentions, then no relationship would ever work out, and we might as well never have an intimate relationship, and they would never be worth it, and we could all remain single.

This is like constantly fearing you’re going to be robbed. Imagine what this would do to your state of mind. You may not always actively worry about someone stealing your man, but if underneath you have the idea that other women are threats to you, then your whole world is going to be unbalanced, and you will ultimately experience suffering within yourself and in your relationship.

Tell me, what exactly is the point of being in an intimate relationship if other people can threaten your position as husband/wife or girlfriend/boyfriend so easily?

The problem is that a lot of women fear the apparently more attractive woman having the ability to take their man. Take a look at the brouhaha surrounding Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

It’s easy for women to look at another woman, and think that her beauty, status and enchanting disposition are a threat. Then the jealousy ensues…..and the controlling behavior surfaces…..and worse still; women start to cause themselves suffering and pain. Regardless of whether or not someone like Angelina Jolie or the gorgeous girl next door have bad intentions with your husband or boyfriend, a successful and passionate relationship will thrive and remain strong.

I understand that another woman disrespecting your position as girlfriend or wife is disappointing, and yes, a lot of women do get a big rush from seeing if they can steal a man from a woman, and this is not right. I’m not making this behavior OK.

However, it’s ultimately about the relationship, and the man you are in a relationship with. It’s his decision to value the relationship. It’s his perception and values that matter in this situation. As soon as you blame the other woman, not only is this not classy, it completely strips you of your power as a woman. Power to learn and grow and do what’s best for your relationship. If you blame a third party for something that is ultimately your own responsibility – your relationship – then all hope is gone. You are supposed to have the power in a relationship, not a third party. A woman who knows the power of femininity knows this.

Other women are simply not threats and should not be to a loving and passionate relationship where there is a lot of attraction already. Ultimately, if we choose to see other people as a threat to our special relationship, then we cannot be empowered. We cannot do anything about it, and we’ll end up in disappointment.

Hint: know who you are in a relationship with. Don’t get in to a relationship with somebody whom you know doesn’t value their relationship as number one.

Do you think the notion of a home wrecker is an out-of-date idea?

Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: The Sidepiece Agreement: 10 Rules for The Other Woman
« Last post by Hidden on December 29, 2016, 06:09:40 PM »
I think most relationships (of any type) have certain "rules" or expectations ... it's all a matter of whether both parties are aware of the "rules" and are agreeable to them. 
Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: The Sidepiece Agreement: 10 Rules for The Other Woman
« Last post by Hope on December 28, 2016, 06:42:01 PM »
Allow me to correct myself: I can't sneak around on some married guy who's at home with his wife and it's none of HIS business what or who I do. I also don't need to ask his permission.

Don't ask and he didn't. Smart man.

Basically, la la land was our rule but la la land didn't stop the pain, it only prolonged it.
Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: The Sidepiece Agreement: 10 Rules for The Other Woman
« Last post by Hope on December 28, 2016, 06:33:43 PM »
She sounds like a wife.

Even though I don't like the way this is written, I do agree it is accurate for the most part. It really boils down to MM not wanting consequences for his behaviors and doing what is easier for him no matter who he hurts; he wants to do as little as possible while getting the positive benefits of a relationship. Oh...actually two relationships. What a dick.

They come around as long as we let them. I am quite convinced that it will never end unless we end it. They'll emotionally suck the life out of us as long as we allow. They're always going to stick their feet back in because of their selfishness. If it was about us, they would leave us the hell alone. They're emotional vampires and cowards.

I had rules within our affair.

-Don't contact me in any form outside of work. I'd rather not hear from you ever than wait for your call.
-Don't talk about your kids, wife, family members or anything to do with your outside life.
-Don't expect me to be faithful to you and know I am single.

Now that's a "relationship"!  :sigh:

Regardless, of all my "rules" or attempts at control, the guy was keeping me stuck and gnawing away at my self-esteem. I was compromising my integrity and settling for a whole lot of nothing.

Zoe: I do love #10 "Don't assume that's what I want." I never wanted to be with Cam. I wouldn't want the guy if he were single. Even though I loved him and was super addicted to the affair, he's not what I want in a long-term partner. It makes me giggle because he knows it. He know's I didn't want him either. It also makes me giggle that I was sneaking around on him too. My doing that kept me half sane but fed my delusional as well. It was kind of a double edge sword.



Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: The Sidepiece Agreement: 10 Rules for The Other Woman
« Last post by Hidden on December 28, 2016, 08:33:34 AM »
When I first came across this article, I found it offensive because there is much more to my affair than these "implied" rules.  However, I can say, "yeah...that's what it's been like at times..."

As other women, we also have some rules of our own that we expect of our MMs.

From my own personal experience, I can say that I expect this from my MM.  Here's my short list:

1. Consistency    You are a piece of my life and I can't wait around hoping you'll contact me.  Find a time that works for me and stick to it. 

2. Contact   You're not available full-time, but be available for my needs.  You can't be in it, if you're a no show. 

3.  I don't care to hear everything about your significant other, your family, your work,your problems, your hobbies...everything you do outside of our affair. I'm not your "live" journal, counselor or think tank.

4.  No promises that I can't keep.  If I meet another SG, MM or someone that I want to be serious with, we're done.  I don't owe you anything else. I choose NOT to juggle relationships.  I was never "yours" and visa versa.  Oh..until it's serious, I may sleep with both of you. 

5. Don't ask me about whom I'm seeing or whom I'm dating. It has nothing to do with you.

6.  I have an active life outside of our "bubble".  You are just a piece of the puzzle.  Take the time that I give to you now.  There are no guarantees that I will want "this" tomorrow.

7.  Holidays are low contact times, but it only takes a minute to contact me and let me know you're thinking of me...when you say that you are. 

8.   I require emotion out of you....or, what's the point?!

9.  Being careful is not just my concern.  Honestly, I have nothing to hide! I'm single.  I also do not want a Dday--or the ramifications of one.   Take being discreet seriously.  No dumb-sh*t moves.  Protect our communication, your phone & devices you contact me with.   Keep your mouth shut!! Stop telling your close buds or trusted Uncle about me. 

10.  I expect to talk about our relationship and where it's heading, or where it's not heading.  Don't promise me you're leaving your marriage when you know you never will.  Don't assume that's what I want.
Articles & Recommended Reading / The Sidepiece Agreement: 10 Rules for The Other Woman
« Last post by Hidden on December 28, 2016, 07:55:28 AM »

**This article is from the Huffington Post 2014 

By Zondra Hughes

A close male friend (who used to cheat on his wife) has enlightened me that some of us otherwise intelligent chicks enter into the Sidepiece Agreement — that is, knowingly becoming the mistress or other woman — without fully understanding the terms of the deal.

My friend should know; he had a lover that stalked his wife and told her everything after they broke up. His wife gave him another chance and my friend seems to be on the good foot these days.

However, my friend explained the dirty details of what men expect of their sidepieces, even if they don’t explain the rules as thoroughly as they should. Thus, without further ado, here are the top 10 rules that men expect their sidepieces to know.

1. You are the other woman. This does not mean that you are the only other woman. Act accordingly.

2. Please focus on the stolen moments that we spend together. Do not concern yourself with my whereabouts when we are apart. Frankly speaking, my life outside of our time together is not your concern.

3. Be comfortable with who you are to me; do not mention my wife and/or main woman, as she is not your concern. Do NOT compare yourself to my main chick in any way and do not attempt to contact her — to do so would be a breach of our agreement.

4. Anticipate frequent changes in our plans; for the most part, a spur of the moment escape is the best that I can do.

5. You must understand that maintaining a positive vibe while we are in each other’s company is vital to the success of our situationship. No bickering or nagging about promises that I didn’t keep.

6. We are secret lovers; we can’t blast our situationship to the world. Please don’t tag me on Facebook, and don’t send me invitations to your work/family functions or events. Major holidays — more likely than not — will be missed.

7. No discussions about “where this situationship is headed.” We are where we will be; together, in this moment. Enjoy it.

8. Yes, I am still sleeping with my significant other, and we do not use condoms. Again, focus on our time together, and not what I do while we are apart.

9. I am not interested in bringing a child into our situationship. By the way, an unplanned pregnancy will not force a relationship commitment of any kind from me nor will it guarantee a promotion to main chick status for you.

10. There are no guarantees about the outcome of our situationship save one: I am a cheater at heart, and that won’t change unless I want it to.  Until that happens, if you are promoted to the main chick, please know that yet another sidepiece will fill the vacancy that you’ve left behind.

And one last piece of advice that my friend wants sidepieces to know: If you choose to enter into a situationship with someone do not get emotionally attached, as things won’t be easy for you if and when you separate.

Articles & Recommended Reading / Article: "I'm Happy My Husband Married 'the Other Woman'"
« Last post by Hidden on December 10, 2016, 03:24:04 PM »
I’m happy my husband married ‘the other woman’ (link)

This appears to be an "opinion" piece from the betrayed wife's (BW) perspective, so I would caution that it likely won't fit everyone's notion of how an affair ends.  Or that every BW will be "happy" in such a scenario.  Every marriage is different.  Every relationship is different.  Even every affair is different.  Many end sadly for at least one person involved.  But some can end happily. 

Quote from: Hidden
So I picked up the phone, and I called her.

In a handful of conversations, I ordered her to leave my husband alone. She wouldn’t. Instead she grew more steadfast in her position; she said he was hers now and there was nothing I could do to change that.

<snipped section>

During what would be his last visit home, he announced he was leaving me and I dropped to my knees and urged my cheating husband to stay. I was scared for the future and what life would be like without him. But more than that, deep down I knew that getting on a plane to try to save our marriage would do no good. My husband had already left the relationship. In fact, so had I. I just hadn’t realized it yet.

By that point our marriage had been deteriorating for years.
While we had once been unable to get enough of each other, by this point we could barely tolerate each other’s company and walked through our lives as business partners more than anything else.
^ With respect to the bolded section: I'm uncertain that while in the marriage/relationship most people would come (easily) to this realization. 

Quote from: Hidden
It’s hard to say whether our marriage would have survived had this woman left us alone to repair it. I am inclined to say possibly in the short-term but likely not much longer than that. Even if the two of them had never met, I believe the lack of love and mutual respect my husband and I showed each other, especially in the later years of our marriage, would have eventually brought us to the same result. We would have divorced even if neither one of us had cheated.

During those early months when my marriage was unraveling, the very thought of this woman disgusted me. I saw her as an interloper, a trespasser and the catalyst that brought an already troubled marriage to its abrupt end. She was all of those things.

But she was also the impetus for me building a new life for myself, including a career I love. I hope now that I may one day spend my life with a man I love.
I like to believe everyone could be so honest with themselves. 
The Cafe at ClubTOW / Re: The definitive affair support forum
« Last post by Hidden on September 11, 2016, 06:07:57 PM »
Having access to this forum is helpful for those times I feel a need for a "friend" with a listening ear.

I'm right there with you!   I don't share my relationship with anyone besides Dionne & Saint.  They never knew the full extent of the PA either.  Can't go there with them. 

The Cafe at ClubTOW / Re: The definitive affair support forum
« Last post by Hidden on September 11, 2016, 12:25:48 PM »
Very few of us have real-life friends we can discuss such matters with.
I know this feeling well.  I've just lost a real-life friend I'd been able to share a lot of details of my affair with -- she'd been (surprisingly) supportive and had been quite discreet with what is my secret.  Having access to this forum is helpful for those times I feel a need for a "friend" with a listening ear. 
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