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Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: I am done being your dirty little secret
« Last post by Hope on January 27, 2017, 02:42:58 PM »
Thanks, Zoe! I was never happy in the A but I did love Cam deeply which made ending it very difficult. I also spend 40 hours a week with him and neither of us took time off except for vacation. We also ate breakfast and lunch together daily as well as had sex several times a week for most of it. Early on daily and sometimes twice a day. Because of the nature of the job, we had a lot of flexibility. He'd tell me goodbye and I love you every day and then head home to his W.  That lasted 4 years, and it should have ended in 4 minutes. Nobody deserves that type of pain.

I have mentioned many times here that deep down, I didn't want to build a life with Cam. I have no reason today to question that, I know it is true. I did want him to love me, need me, and love/want me more than her. The truth is, he loved/needed us both. That is NOT how life works unless you are a greedy asshole (CAKEMAN).

I loved him and so many things about him but there were some things that I know I wouldn't have been happy with long-term. One is: I don't want kids and I don't want to raise someone else's. I also was unwilling to take on the financial burden. I never told him that, but I believe he knew.

OYF: I know what you mean, I think that more than anything I am angry at me for putting up with that for years. I knew he wasn't leaving and he never told me he would. I also never asked him to. Ever. I was soooo emotionally hooked.

Malost: Cam and Jim are both selfish, and because of that selfishness they aren't able to see it. That is why Cam keeps doing it, in his screwed up mind he thinks he's helping by giving someone a "little" love. EGO. He doesn't comprehend that by not giving all of his love, he is using and abusing women. OR, maybe he does know, but his selfishness keeps him doing it. Always remember, It isn't Jim's job to know and relieve your pain, it is yours.

Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: I am done being your dirty little secret
« Last post by Hidden on January 25, 2017, 07:24:36 PM »
I read the article and teared up. It didn't all fit for me, but lots of it did. I saved it!  Who knows. I might decide to send it to him one day. I know he does not realize how much this R has hurt and changed me. I would like him to know at some point.
Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: I am done being your dirty little secret
« Last post by Hidden on January 25, 2017, 06:07:36 PM »
> he had chosen her

Had he, though? If he'd chosen her, he wouldn't be with anyone else at the same time <all the hugs>

For me, the part that still makes me wince a little was that L *didn't* choose - he chose to not choose. And I chose to enable that. Never again!  :wine:
Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: I am done being your dirty little secret
« Last post by Hidden on January 25, 2017, 12:26:19 PM »
An absolute addiction to a person and nothing more. Why else would I stay in that pain? I am so glad to be out of that turmoil and cycle.

I'm so glad you're out of it too and sharing your thoughts and journey with us here.  It helps!

It is a different perspective/experience that I've had (probably many more OW/MM could relate to you), but I value all that you've learned.

Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: I am done being your dirty little secret
« Last post by Hope on January 25, 2017, 11:46:02 AM »
Loved these quotes:

“Oh sweetheart, he will never tell you all his secrets if you’re a secret.” ~ Alfa

“When a person tells you that you hurt them, you don’t get to decide that you didn’t.”
~ Louis C.K.

"Could you really love me out loud?"
Articles & Recommended Reading / I am done being your dirty little secret
« Last post by Hope on January 25, 2017, 11:04:32 AM »

I related a lot to this article, especially the part about always trying to convince myself that what I was getting was enough. It is as though, a part of the dynamic of being the OW is this false belief that it SHOULD be. For me, that was part of the denial of what I was doing to myself. I also related to the hiding of emotions, he couldn't hear it because then he'd have to face up to the damage he was causing and he'd lose that extra. He needed that outlet for reasons of his own that had very little to do with me. ME: I was just settling and destroying myself from the inside out.

The other thing that I constantly did was try to validate my importance to him. I would say things like: He takes risks for me, or he calls when he can...this constant focus on the crumbs while ignoring the elephant in the room; he was at home where he wanted to be, he had chosen her. What it took for me to deny this was absolutely exhausting. I also would tell myself that I chose to be there, I signed up for it, therefore, owning too much of the responsibility which fed my denial of how out of control I was. The A was my relationship rock bottom and that bottom had a shovel in it.

An absolute addiction to a person and nothing more. Why else would I stay in that pain? I am so glad to be out of that turmoil and cycle.
Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: There's no such thing as a "homewrecker"
« Last post by Hidden on January 07, 2017, 11:15:32 AM »
> OYF: Mine wasn't looking for an "out" he was looking for someone who would ... put up with his crap forever

I think that's what L wanted too - hence why he wanted an "out", cos the missus was getting sick of his nonsense!  :slaplaugh:  Looking back though, the  :crap: she put up with before they broke up... and the  :crap: his SO is putting up with...  Oy.  There will probably always be that small part of me that's a little bit in love with him - if that's what being somewhat fascinated by a person is - but, like you, I'm (finally) genuinely glad that we didn't get together.  I really cannot tolerate that level of playing victim. (Once, after we broke up the first time, he informed me - with absolutely no sense of irony whatsoever - that I had shown complete disrespect to his marriage by expressing my disgust that they'd been giving each other the silent treatment for days, with children in the house. Yeah okay, mate... the woman you're banging is the disrespectful one towards your "incredibly functional(!)" marriage!  :slaplaugh:

This "OMG, what was I *thinking*?!" moment was brought to you by the letter "Y?!"
Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: There's no such thing as a "homewrecker"
« Last post by Hope on January 02, 2017, 04:16:30 PM »
OYF: Mine wasn't looking for an "out" he was looking for someone who would never demand he leave (because he wasn't going to anyway) and put up with his crap forever. He wanted two women; he is/was a cakeman to the core of his being. Trust me, if someone is miserable enough they will leave and "complicated" is an excuse, life is complicated. Grow up.

If he was looking for an "out" it would have been an out mentally from his responsibilities, commitments and the real world. Unlike real MEN who actually show up to their lives, he needs a distraction and an ego stroke to function.

I have never been so glad to be rid of someone/something in my life. I can't begin to explain to someone how much better life is on the other side. My worst day away from him is better than my best day with him.

I hope he continues to wreck his home and his W leaves him because she's out of his league. I am cheering her on. 

Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: There's no such thing as a "homewrecker"
« Last post by Hidden on January 02, 2017, 05:03:33 AM »
This has been my experience too. L once told me that before we got close, he'd "noticed" another woman in our circle.  If it hadn't been me, it would've been someone else. He was looking for an "out", whether he admits it to himself or not.
Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: There's no such thing as a "homewrecker"
« Last post by Hidden on January 02, 2017, 04:26:01 AM »
I could not agree more.

I can't imagine a single man or circumstance that would make me want to give up my life with Love and all that we are building together. Our life is far from perfect (whose is?) but it's beyond what I ever would have dreamed for myself/my marriage.

When Love and I met, I had never been married. I hadn't experienced it for myself, so I didn't know for sure. What I did see very quickly as we became friends was that things weren't right between he and Ivy, and he was definitely not happy. Would he have left the M at that time if not for me entering the picture? No. And I think he would agree with that.

Would he have left eventually, if something didn't change? Yes, I think he would have - and he would agree with that, as well.

He says that meeting me was his "inciting event." IMO, had I not entered his life at that time, there would have been another inciting event, and he would have eventually gathered the courage to leave. He has always said that he was in that M ten years too long. He knew it; he just didn't know how to get out of it.
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