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The Cafe at ClubTOW / Affair statistics
« Last post by Hidden on July 02, 2017, 12:55:40 PM »
"85% of internet statistics are made up." -- Abraham Lincoln*

TL;DR -- statistics regarding affairs and/or infidelity may be inaccurate. 

People have a tendency to seek out statistics for all kinds of information that applies to them ... oftentimes searching for and interpreting results which reflect their point of view (confirmation bias).   Those of us in affairs may very well seek out such information, usually to get an idea of how the affair may end and/or to discover similarities with what the "norm" may be for various factors in one's own affair. 

Confirmation bias also applies to the source of information you may be reading on the internet: I Googled for some statistics to include in this post only to discover the website they were posted on was selling services for "private detectives".  As I couldn't find a source cited for the statistics listed, they could easily be in the 85% of made up statistics Abe Lincoln* describes, but could just as easily be accurate, or biased in order to sell private detective services to betrayed spouses.  (I'd also stumbled on older Ashley Madison stats I'm not using as in the aftermath of the 'hack' of the Ashley Madison site, it was discovered there were numerous fake accounts.)  Regardless, I'm limiting inclusion of statistics in this post, reliable or not. 

Inside ClubTOW, a member had once asked about success stories with the members of our board.  Depending on how "success" is defined, the answers were variable (for those wanting out of their affair, success was achieving an end to the affair; other members have married their affair partner and define that as success).  One member had the following response:
Quote from: Hidden
I know of at least 5 couples who were affair partners and are now married - one of them for over 20 years.  All of them had D-Days and either left spouses or were told to leave.  I can't say what percentage this is as obviously I don't know how many people in my social circle are/were having affairs in the first place.
As illustrated here, affairs typically aren't obvious in normal social circles; outside of a D-day occurring a divorce and subsequent marriage (to an affair partner) may fly completely under the radar.  (I've also known an affair couple who have now been married to each other for close to 30 years now; I don't recall many details although there likely was a D-day to realize they were affair partners to begin with.)

I believe one of the statistics for successful marriages that start as affairs is (or was) 2.5%, or maybe it was 10%.  Is it accurate?  I don't believe the statistic really matters as it doesn't take into account your own situation. 
(That said, statistics are generally unfavorable to affair partners marrying one another.)   :sigh:

Actual affair statistics are skeevy IMO: infidelity/affair statistics have got to be the least reliable statistics in existence due to the very nature of the subject and the social taboos against it.  If polled, I believe many of us currently in affairs (especially if married) wouldn't fess up to it in the real world ... and if not fessing up to it, likely would matter not how it started, etc. 

What do you all think about affair/infidelity statistics?  Are they accurate?  Do they even matter? 

*For those of you outside the U.S., Abraham Lincoln had been President of the United States (elected in 1860, and assassinated in 1865) ... dying well before the advent of the internet.  Quotes attributed to him about the internet are satirical.
The Cafe at ClubTOW / Re: Is it ever OK to tell the BS (or provide affair details to BS)?
« Last post by Hidden on May 07, 2017, 01:20:48 PM »
The only reason I can think of is an STD or a pregnancy.
I can understand contacting a BS to relay information about an STD (though still no reason to provide all details of an affair in that situation), but imagine there would be many, many questions in that scenario. 

I'm not certain an unplanned pregnancy as a result of an affair would necessarily need to be outed to the BS.  I can imagine instances where it would be a questionable event, but think quite often that it could be explained away.

Well, I'm a hypocrite because I would definitely want to be told, and don't really care who does the telling.
I do agree ... and don't agree.   :sneaking: 

Upon a D-day, it's a reasonable expectation for the spouse to "do the telling" to the BS from my perspective.  What s/he does - or doesn't - tell is on them, not the affair partner. 

If the BS were to call me and get any conversation beyond "you'll have to discuss that with your spouse", what's to say that I'd tell the truth?  Or would I embellish the truth for the BS?  Again, and from my perspective, I would hate to lay out the truth for the BS and not be believed.  (I've often felt it would be a moot point to have such a discussion with the BS in my situation as it's my belief she likely has her mind already made up as to what "the truth" is.)

I think it's a kind of human nature thing to want to know the details.  But when/if told information you don't want to believe, how would one handle that?  It seems a very slippery slope to me.
Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: Show: Mad Men
« Last post by Hidden on May 06, 2017, 12:25:41 AM »
I was not aware of the affairs. I heard it was about advertising, business and tobacco. One nice thing I noticed thus far is the women get stronger as time goes on. One guy shows up with an offer to fly to Paris for the weekend and she says no, she has other plans.
Articles & Recommended Reading / Re: Show: Mad Men
« Last post by Hidden on May 04, 2017, 11:54:19 AM »
I can't say I've ever watched this particular show/series (the subject matter just didn't appeal to me), but I am often surprised at how often affairs come up as a topic in television shows, movies, and books. 

Maybe the writers "write in" affairs for added drama?   :drama:  In other words, without the affair(s) being part of the story line in Mad Men, would they have kept so many viewers?  The same could be said with many other shows, IMO, whereas movies and books consciously make that decision in preliminary stages of writing.

I can understand where one might be "triggered" if not expecting that kind of storyline.  We're you aware of the affair(s) as part of the show when you'd decided to watch it?  (What kind of reviews led you to consider watching the show?)
Articles & Recommended Reading / Show: Mad Men
« Last post by Hidden on May 03, 2017, 01:13:40 AM »
Some people were talking about Mad Men recently. Though it came out years ago. I decided to give it a spin to see what all the hype was about. The show centers around Ad executives in the 1960's. The first few episodes in season 1 really glamorize affairs and I found it disturbing to watch. But I kept watching as I was told that it gets "better" and the characters develop. This is true, there is character development, and now I have completed season 1.
Anyway, I was curioius if anyone has watched it and what their thoughts are on it. I identify with several of the characters in the show. It triggered quite a bit, but I am glad I watched it. Not sure if I will carry on with it or not.
The Cafe at ClubTOW / Invitation to forum refugees
« Last post by Hidden on April 29, 2017, 01:47:37 PM »
It's been noticed that the TOW forum at is seemingly no longer operational.  I've attempted contacting the forum administrator/moderator via '' with the hope of being able to directly invite TOW members, but received no response. 

If members happen to find this post, please consider joining us at ClubTOW ... especially if in need of affair-related support.   

The Cafe at ClubTOW / Re: Is it ever OK to tell the BS (or provide affair details to BS)?
« Last post by Hidden on April 26, 2017, 08:09:16 AM »
Well, I'm a hypocrite because I would definitely want to be told, and don't really care who does the telling. But hell no, I would never have told. I knew he was married. It would have felt like a terrible betrayal of his trust - and he was the one I had the "relationship" with, so that's where the loyalty has to lie.  Also, it would've reeked of sanctimony to me - how could I have told her, "He did this awful thing" so he got into trouble, when I was right along there with him?

The only scenario in which I could envision telling a spouse with a completely clear conscience (apart from STD - not sure about pregnancy, depends on circumstances) would be if he'd lied about being married, cos hell with those guys. There's a moral hierarchy amongst adulterers, just like in prisons, no?  :slaplaugh:

Imho, when an OW tells, it's either an EXTREMELY risky tactical strike, or it's spite.  I can understand - though not condone - both urges.
The Cafe at ClubTOW / Re: Is it ever OK to tell the BS (or provide affair details to BS)?
« Last post by Hidden on April 25, 2017, 05:34:09 PM »
The only reason I can think of is an STD or a pregnancy.
The Cafe at ClubTOW / Is it ever OK to tell the BS (or provide affair details to BS)?
« Last post by Hidden on April 23, 2017, 03:38:34 PM »
There have often been arguments about whether the BS should be told (or given all the details) about an affair his/her spouse is involved in: I've lurked some of the infidelity boards and have often seen the BS believing they should be given all the details of the affair by either the spouse or the affair partner, or sometimes both. 

My thought on this as an OW:  :no:  Nope.  Don't do it.  Leave it to the married/committed couple to assess their relationship.  (And is there any reason a BS would believe what I would tell her?  I could be telling a completely unvarnished truth, or a baldfaced lie.  I've often considered, too, that if asked, it is likely BS would already have her version of "the truth" in mind that anything I would say that contradicts what she has in mind would be discarded anyway.)

I've also seen the affair partner (often an OW) threatening to expose the affair to the BS.   From my perspective, that never turns out well, but are there times that it's appropriate? 
The Cafe at ClubTOW / About the Cafe
« Last post by Hidden on April 23, 2017, 02:27:10 PM »
Guests are not allowed to post in this section, however are able to 'eavesdrop' on subject matter they may be seeking about various aspects of affairs. 

As a reminder to ClubTOW members, please be careful with TMI.  Please resist discussing too much about your own affairs (past/present) or discussing other members' situations in the Cafe.  While we do want to give affair partners who may lurk ClubTOW worthwhile information about the good, the bad, and the ugly of affairs, we do not want to incite betrayed spouses who may stumble across our forum with details that aren't necessary to get a point across.

Affair partners are encouraged to join ClubTOW.

Usual forum rules apply, including no bashing of BS/MM/etc.  ClubTOW user names are not visible to guests.
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