Author Topic: There's no such thing as a "homewrecker"  (Read 14712 times)

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There's no such thing as a "homewrecker"
« on: December 31, 2016, 01:02:41 PM »
Previously posted ...

There's no Such Thing as a Home-wrecker

"There is no such thing as a home-wrecker simply because if a third party can enter the relationship bubble, then your relationship was weak to start off with. There is no such thing as a home-wrecker because if it was all based on another person ‘tempting’ our partner, or entering our partner’s proximity with bad intentions, then no relationship would ever work out, and we might as well never have an intimate relationship, and they would never be worth it, and we could all remain single."

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There’s no Such Thing as a Home-Wrecker

It always disappoints yet amazes me the number of women and men who blame and hate on “the other woman” or “the other man”. Yes, affairs and cheating are heart-breaking, and for most couples, it’s the kiss of death.

It makes me cringe when I hear of the wife or girlfriend screaming at the other woman, blaming her, and asking how could she/he do this!? Don’t they have any respect? What normal person with morals would tempt a husband or wife?

Though I understand the pain of being cheated on (I’ve been through it myself), and I can understand that in those moments of vulnerability and pain, that we want to lash out at the “other woman”, it’s actually got nothing to do with the other woman.

There is no such thing as a home-wrecker simply because if a third party can enter the relationship bubble, then your relationship was weak to start off with. There is no such thing as a home-wrecker because if it was all based on another person ‘tempting’ our partner, or entering our partner’s proximity with bad intentions, then no relationship would ever work out, and we might as well never have an intimate relationship, and they would never be worth it, and we could all remain single.

This is like constantly fearing you’re going to be robbed. Imagine what this would do to your state of mind. You may not always actively worry about someone stealing your man, but if underneath you have the idea that other women are threats to you, then your whole world is going to be unbalanced, and you will ultimately experience suffering within yourself and in your relationship.

Tell me, what exactly is the point of being in an intimate relationship if other people can threaten your position as husband/wife or girlfriend/boyfriend so easily?

The problem is that a lot of women fear the apparently more attractive woman having the ability to take their man. Take a look at the brouhaha surrounding Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

It’s easy for women to look at another woman, and think that her beauty, status and enchanting disposition are a threat. Then the jealousy ensues…..and the controlling behavior surfaces…..and worse still; women start to cause themselves suffering and pain. Regardless of whether or not someone like Angelina Jolie or the gorgeous girl next door have bad intentions with your husband or boyfriend, a successful and passionate relationship will thrive and remain strong.

I understand that another woman disrespecting your position as girlfriend or wife is disappointing, and yes, a lot of women do get a big rush from seeing if they can steal a man from a woman, and this is not right. I’m not making this behavior OK.

However, it’s ultimately about the relationship, and the man you are in a relationship with. It’s his decision to value the relationship. It’s his perception and values that matter in this situation. As soon as you blame the other woman, not only is this not classy, it completely strips you of your power as a woman. Power to learn and grow and do what’s best for your relationship. If you blame a third party for something that is ultimately your own responsibility – your relationship – then all hope is gone. You are supposed to have the power in a relationship, not a third party. A woman who knows the power of femininity knows this.

Other women are simply not threats and should not be to a loving and passionate relationship where there is a lot of attraction already. Ultimately, if we choose to see other people as a threat to our special relationship, then we cannot be empowered. We cannot do anything about it, and we’ll end up in disappointment.

Hint: know who you are in a relationship with. Don’t get in to a relationship with somebody whom you know doesn’t value their relationship as number one.

Do you think the notion of a home wrecker is an out-of-date idea?

« Last Edit: May 22, 2021, 11:35:42 PM by Blue Rapture »
Me = Rappy (single OW)
MM = Dole   (RIP/August 2019)
W = Sheriff

Supporting cast:
Long distance BFF & her DH = Emily & Bob Hartley
Emily's sister = Ellen Borden

RIP: BFFs Sarcastic Bitch (Fall 2012) and Bea (Fall 2016)

"If love was a choice, who would ever choose such exquisite pain?" -- Tuptim in Anna and the King (Margaret Landon, author)

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Re: There's no such thing as a "homewrecker"
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2017, 03:10:36 PM »

In my opinion, if there is a homewrecker it would be the MM.

I also think that even if the marriage is good, the W good, the kids good, the job good, friends good, finances good and so on, there are just some men and woman that cheat. It has nothing to do with outside circumstances or the OW/OM and everything to do with inside circumstances. There is also some men and woman who pursue people who are already in relationships usually because of their fear of intimacy and abandonment.

There are men at my job who I could approach naked and try to seduce and they wouldn't cheat. In the case of the MM I was with, I could have been a cardboard cutout and he'd been with me. I was there, and willing---The end.

It is easier for the BS to blame something "out there" instead of evaluating herself or the man she married. I do empathize with BS because we woman put up with a lot of shit when it comes to love.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2017, 04:14:48 PM by Hope »

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Re: There's no such thing as a "homewrecker"
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2017, 04:26:01 AM »
I could not agree more.

I can't imagine a single man or circumstance that would make me want to give up my life with Love and all that we are building together. Our life is far from perfect (whose is?) but it's beyond what I ever would have dreamed for myself/my marriage.

When Love and I met, I had never been married. I hadn't experienced it for myself, so I didn't know for sure. What I did see very quickly as we became friends was that things weren't right between he and Ivy, and he was definitely not happy. Would he have left the M at that time if not for me entering the picture? No. And I think he would agree with that.

Would he have left eventually, if something didn't change? Yes, I think he would have - and he would agree with that, as well.

He says that meeting me was his "inciting event." IMO, had I not entered his life at that time, there would have been another inciting event, and he would have eventually gathered the courage to leave. He has always said that he was in that M ten years too long. He knew it; he just didn't know how to get out of it.
Love = xMM + now my Husband!
Angel = our furbaby
Ivy = Love's xW

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Re: There's no such thing as a "homewrecker"
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2017, 05:03:33 AM »
This has been my experience too. L once told me that before we got close, he'd "noticed" another woman in our circle.  If it hadn't been me, it would've been someone else. He was looking for an "out", whether he admits it to himself or not.
Bear - H (more like boyfriend) - long-distance!
Ned - adult DS
Nell - Ned's appalling ex
L/Calm - xMM

Sue - Home City BFF from high school
Matron - New Home City Friend

Peggy - Uni City BFF
Honey - Uni City BFF (currently abroad)
Daisy - Uni City BFF
BB - New Uni City Friend

""The Guide says there is an art to flying", said Ford, "or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything


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Re: There's no such thing as a "homewrecker"
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2017, 04:16:30 PM »
OYF: Mine wasn't looking for an "out" he was looking for someone who would never demand he leave (because he wasn't going to anyway) and put up with his crap forever. He wanted two women; he is/was a cakeman to the core of his being. Trust me, if someone is miserable enough they will leave and "complicated" is an excuse, life is complicated. Grow up.

If he was looking for an "out" it would have been an out mentally from his responsibilities, commitments and the real world. Unlike real MEN who actually show up to their lives, he needs a distraction and an ego stroke to function.

I have never been so glad to be rid of someone/something in my life. I can't begin to explain to someone how much better life is on the other side. My worst day away from him is better than my best day with him.

I hope he continues to wreck his home and his W leaves him because she's out of his league. I am cheering her on. 

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Re: There's no such thing as a "homewrecker"
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2017, 11:15:32 AM »
> OYF: Mine wasn't looking for an "out" he was looking for someone who would ... put up with his crap forever

I think that's what L wanted too - hence why he wanted an "out", cos the missus was getting sick of his nonsense!  :slaplaugh:  Looking back though, the  :crap: she put up with before they broke up... and the  :crap: his SO is putting up with...  Oy.  There will probably always be that small part of me that's a little bit in love with him - if that's what being somewhat fascinated by a person is - but, like you, I'm (finally) genuinely glad that we didn't get together.  I really cannot tolerate that level of playing victim. (Once, after we broke up the first time, he informed me - with absolutely no sense of irony whatsoever - that I had shown complete disrespect to his marriage by expressing my disgust that they'd been giving each other the silent treatment for days, with children in the house. Yeah okay, mate... the woman you're banging is the disrespectful one towards your "incredibly functional(!)" marriage!  :slaplaugh:

This "OMG, what was I *thinking*?!" moment was brought to you by the letter "Y?!"
Bear - H (more like boyfriend) - long-distance!
Ned - adult DS
Nell - Ned's appalling ex
L/Calm - xMM

Sue - Home City BFF from high school
Matron - New Home City Friend

Peggy - Uni City BFF
Honey - Uni City BFF (currently abroad)
Daisy - Uni City BFF
BB - New Uni City Friend

""The Guide says there is an art to flying", said Ford, "or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything